Solving Oil Water Separator Problems

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Oil water separator products / services

While many oil water separator systems exist, MSR’s coalescing plate separators and systems offer a number of advantages.

As Green, Green, Green As It Gets!™

Advantages : Coalescing Plate Separators

Coalescing Plate Separators & Oil and Water Separators

  • Maximum reliability
  • Minimum operating costs
  • Simple maintenance requirements – no moving parts
  • Recovered oil that is usually suitable for recycling or reuse
  • Improved process performance
  • Custom oil water separator design meets plant performance or environmental regulation
  • Coalescing plate separators are the ideal method to separate oil and water

Oil Water Separator Engineering

MSR capabilities include engineering of complete oil water separator packages including separators, controls, pumps, and other items necessary when making stand-alone systems handling tough separation problems. We have capabilities of designing systems to handle the most complex of separation problems. Our engineers have many years of experience in separations of all types and will be glad to offer help at any stage of the project and are available on a consulting basis to come to your site and offer solutions to your problems based on our experience.

Computer Simulations

MSR utilizes a proprietary computer program to do the statistical determination of the oil droplet removal and therefore the effluent oil content. Careful use of this tool allows MSR to ensure that under different design conditions the effluent will not exceed regulatory requirements.

Field Testing Rental

Use the MSR-11 small test oil water separator vessel for field testing. Prove separation efficiency and/or determine accurately the flowing droplet size and ensure a good full-size oil water separator design. This system is constructed of 304 L Stainless steel suitable for most process applications.

Oil and Water Separators – Design Quality

MSR is committed to producing the highest quality oil and water separators – products and engineering – so that they are both cost effective and work better than required for the service. A generous safety margin in operations is a wonderful thing to have if there is an upset. We design oil water separators for good operations during even upset conditions. Our oil water separator equipment is constructed to the highest oil water separator design standards and we use only materials suited to the chemicals present and other operating conditions.


Our personnel are very safety conscious and happy to abide by any plant safety rule or regulation. We try to work safely and – more importantly – to design equipment in ways that it will not only be efficient and effective but also very safe to operate.

Oil Water Separator Manufacturer

We manufacture our pressure vessel system steel units to the ASME Code, Section VIII and atmospheric tanks to AWS D1.1. All welders are qualified to the appropriate code and welder qualifications and weld procedures are available on request. All units are hydrotested as required. Our polypropylene and Fiberglass units are not made to a specific code, but utilize only the finest polypropylene parts and are made by experienced polypropylene fabricators using techniques proven to make strong, sturdy long-life vessels. MSR only uses welded connections for greater strength.