Above Ground Oil Water Separators
An above ground oil water separator efficiently separates free and dispersed (non-emulsified) oils and settleable solids from wastewater, rainwater runoff and washdown applications via gravity or pumped flow.
MSR designs above ground oil water separators to exactly fit the customer’s needs. Coalescing plate modules use gravity oil water separation. MSR’s closely spaced plates ensure increased efficiency.
Separators can be provided in steel, stainless steel, aluminum, fiberglass or polypropylene as required by the needs of the service. Unless requested by the customer, we coat all of our steel units inside and outside with a chemical resistant epoxy coating
MSR commonly installs coalescing systems in atmospheric design tanks. When pressure vessels are required, separators are designed for whatever pressure is required.
Above Ground Oil Water Separator: Every Application is Different
MSR designs above ground separators for all industrial uses and has a wide range of designs available. We will customize a unit for any requirements from the simplest to the most difficult separation systems and for low flows to high capacity requirements.
Coalescing plate separators are designed for hydrocarbon oils and also for non-hydrocarbon oils such as com, orange, and other vegetable oils. Above ground oil water separators are perfect for use with industrial processes:
- Vehicle Maintenance
- Machine Tool Coolant
- Chemical industries
- Oil & Gas Industry
- Low Flow
- Large Flow Rates
- Food Industry
Additional applications include:
- Industrial effluent streams
- Purifying machine tool coolant
MSRs coalescing plate technology can also be relied on for wastewater management from small process sumps, small stormwater treatment applications, groundwater pump and treat systems.
MSR5 Above Ground Oil Water Separator
This is a very compact but efficient oily liquid separator for use in many situations. Use the MSR5 as a system for purifying machine tool coolant, treating the wastewater from elevator pits, or simply as a small separator for industrial process streams. The MSR5 can be used with or without a pump and automatic on-off controls or other accessories can be provided if desired.