Oil Water Separator Specification and Design for Military Engineers : JETC 2016
Oil Water Separator Specification and Design for Military Engineers Transcript
Profession Development Credit: 1
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The Joint Engineer Training Conference & Expo (JETC) is the major annual event for the Society of American Military Engineers (SAME). It is a major hub for technical and continuing education events.
Kirby Mohr, P.E., CEO of MSR presented at the Phoenix, Arizona, May 24, 2016 session. Session attendees at the Oil Water Separator Specification and Design for Military Engineers were granted 1 Professional Development (PDH) hour.
The training session included:
- Oil water separator specification information
- Oil water separator case studies
- Discussion of retrofitting separators for greater flow rate or better effluent quality
A transcript of the presentation is available on request. Please contact us at info@oilandwaterseparator.com to request a transcript.